´´ Links Of Interest

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Links Of Interest

Unmasking the Men Behind Zero Hedge, Wall Street's Renegade Blog by Tracy Alloway and Luke Kawa (Bloomberg)

Who is Tyler Durden? The answer, it turns out, is three people. Colin Lokey, Daniel Ivandjiiski and Tim Backshall. Founded in the depths of the financial crisis, Zero Hedge has grown from a blog to an Internet powerhouse. Always distrustful of the “establishment” and bearish on the stock markets.

Joe Granville: He Fooled You, But I Think He Got Away With It by O-tone (undervaluedjapan)

Because it fits so perfectly well. 

The secret to Joe’s influence and his dizzying ascendence to the top of market punditry was the absolute resolution with which he did not foretell the future. To any rational observer of this spectacle it should come as no surprise why Granville was able to attract such a large audience. Humans tend to prefer commentators with unwavering confidence over those who are more humble.

Charles de Vaulx Answers the Question - Is Value Investing Still Relevant? by Holly LaFon (Gurufocus)

While we do believe that the challenges that value investing is facing today are significant. We nonetheless believe that the time-tested approach of trying to realistically appraise businesses and insisting on a margin of safety still works very well.

Value strategies are getting walloped as cheap stocks become cheaper, and cheaper and cheaper. And recession news makes bad news about companies even worse. In case you are wondering, it gets worse.

Net Net Investing - How being rebellious can make you money (BigFatPurse Interview Series) 

Interesting interview with Net Net Hunter Evan Bleker deep value investing.

Four Lessons from the Greatest Minds in Investing by Brian Herzog (Latticework)

A willingness to be lonely; humility; ability to take the pain and being happy.

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